
Is Indian Equity doomed?

The following excerpt from Warren Buffett’s latest letter to investors makes for fascinating reading:

“There is, however, one clear, present and enduring danger to Berkshire against which Charlie and I are powerless. That threat to Berkshire is also the major threat our citizenry faces: a “successful” (as defined by the aggressor) cyber, biological, nuclear or chemical attack on the United States. That is a risk Berkshire shares with all of American business.

The probability of such mass destruction in any given year is likely very small. It’s been more than 70 years since I delivered a Washington Post newspaper headlining the fact that the United States had dropped the first atomic bomb. Subsequently, we’ve had a few close calls but avoided catastrophic destruction. We can thank our government – and luck! – for this result.

Nevertheless, what’s a small probability in a short period approaches certainty in the longer run. (If there is only one chance in thirty of an event occurring in a given year, the likelihood of it occurring at least once in a century is 96.6%.) The added bad news is that there will forever be people and organizations and perhaps even nations that would like to inflict maximum damage on our country. Their means of doing so have increased exponentially during my lifetime. “Innovation” has its dark side.

There is no way for American corporations or their investors to shed this risk. If an event occurs in the U.S. that leads to mass devastation, the value of all equity investments will almost certainly be decimated.”

We are neighbors to a fanatical nuclear armed failed state Pakistan with whom we have fought 4 wars and continue to have unceasing hostilities on the LOC.

Are Indian equities eventually doomed due to this geo-political risk?


Liar,Liar,EBITDA on Fire

Depreciation charges are a more complicated subject but are almost always true costs. Certainly they are at Berkshire. I wish we could keep our businesses competitive while spending less than our depreciation charge, but in 51 years I’ve yet to figure out how to do so. Indeed, the depreciation charge we record in our railroad business falls far short of the capital outlays needed to merely keep the railroad running properly, a mismatch that leads to GAAP earnings that are higher than true economic earnings. (This overstatement of earnings exists at all railroads.) When CEOs or investment bankers tout pre-depreciation figures such as EBITDA as a valuation guide, watch their noses lengthen while they speak

wrote Warren Buffett

Chart Gold

Gold’s 2016 Rally


Linkfest:February 29,2016

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

What to expect in today’s Budget 2016 (ET)

Subsidies to the rich cost more than 100,000 Crores (CapitalMind)

United Spirits: Diageo Unchained (Mint)

Meet the all-weather stocks (BS)

Portfolio Review is a must (Subramoney)

Berkshire Hathaway’s 2015 letter to shareholders (BA)

The Buffett Backlash (Common Sense)

Why stocks go up (Bill Bonner)

How to choose a honest Financial Advisor in 10 minutes (Tony Sola)

3 Paths to out performance in the markets (Morningstar)


Weekend Mega Linkfest:February 26,2016

Some off beat reads for the weekend:

How a couple built a 300 acre private wild life sanctuary (Better India)

Dear Investors,so you want to take Diversity seriously? (Mitch Kapor)

Why I dread the RSS (DailyO)

Open letter to Barkha Dutt from a Social Media Sanghi Troll (OpIndia)

Justice Srikrishna:The beast in us is unleashed (Outlook)

A Chennai entrepreneur in Latin America (Forbes)

The case for quitting your job without a backup plan (Quartz)

How America made Donald Trump unstoppable (Rolling Stone)

China could beat Hollywood by 2017 (Business Week)

Travelogue:Ajanta & Ellora Caves (Team BHP)

How to use Github for free hosting of files (DI)

The Patanjali phenomenon (FF)

Gossip: AAP will win Punjab (Gossip Guru)

A Multi Million House Rentals Startup (Office Chai)

How Vijay Mallya gamed the banking system (Newslaundry)