Chart Gold

All that glitters is Gold

Source : WSJ


The Bullish Case for Gold

At the end of a hiking cycle and the beginning of possible rate cuts, that’s where gold and other precious metals start to move.

Keep in mind what happened after previous rate hike cycles:

In June 2000, the Fed completed its last rate hike for that cycle; gold appreciated 47% in the next four years.

In June 2006, the Fed raised rates for the last time in that cycle, and gold was 50% higher by 2008.

In December 2018, the Fed finished off that rate-hiking cycle; gold was 47% higher by the third quarter of 2020

Interview of Larry McDonald,The Bear Traps Report

Chart Gold

Chart : Gold Rush

Banks Gold

CSB: In Gold we Trust

Source: Investor Presentation of CSB Bank Ltd

Chart Gold

The rise & rise of Bank Gold Loans