
Weekend Mega Linkfest: June 02,2017

Some off beat reads for the weekend:

The biggest corruption scandal in History (Guardian)

Hell is empty and all hedge fund managers are at the Bellagio (Concourse)

Blast from the Past: Vietnam Story (US News)

The loneliness of Donald Trump (Lit Hub)

The Rise and Fall of Toronto’s Classiest Con Man (Walrus)

A Mobster, a family and a crime that won’t let them go (NYTimes)

Is the Gig Economy working? (New Yorker)

Ram Guha’s letter exposes Indian cricket stars (Scroll)

Harish Dhandev-The man who is earning Crores through farming (YS)

When did girls start wearing pink? (Smithsonian)

Surviving a visit to Agra’s Taj Mahal (Nat Geo)

Auto Review: Honda WR-V (Team BHP)

Movie Review: Sachin, A Billion Dreams (Great Bong)

Gossip: Venkaiah as President? (Gossip Guru)

Spoof in Pictures: Trump in Saudi Arabia (Dawn)


The Big News which will Change India

Time to rethink all your investments in auto,auto ancilliaries, oil&gas, refining etc


What I Learnt from Colm O’ Shea

Colm O’ Shea runs one of the largest hedge funds in the world COMAC Capital.

What I learnt from him: How to place stop losses 

From his interview in the Book The Hedge Fund Wizards

First, you decide where you are wrong. That determines where the stop level should be.

Then you work out how much you are willing to lose on the idea.

Last, you divide the amount you’re willing to lose by the per-contract loss to the stop point, and that determines your position size.

The most common error I see is that people do it backwards.

They start with position size. Then they know their pain threshold, and that determines where they place their stop.


Chart: The Motabhai Impact

Source:  Mary Meeker Presentation on Internet Trends

Take a bow, Mukeshbhai !


Linkfest: June 02,2017

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

US withdraws from Paris Climate deal (Bloomberg)

Narayana Murthy says IT industry ‘ebbing’ (MC)

Britannia’s growth gets soggy (Mint)

Banks seek forensic audit of RCom books (BS)

Don’t be fooled by high dividend yields (CS)

How to save up for big expenses (RetireBy40)

Difference between statistics and strategy (Pension Partners)

Quants run Wall Street Now ? (RCM Alternatives)

The cost of an investment conscience (Mark Gilbert)

31 year old Rishi Shah is Tech’s latest Billionaire (Forbes)