
Linkfest:Jan 2, 2012

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Bankers deluged as debt party turns to revamp (Bloomberg)

K Krishna Kumar on Ratan Tata (Rediff)

Global investors go solo in India (BS)

After battering, telcos to charge more (BS)

The Shale Revolution’s shifting geopolitics (NYTimes)

Financial planning shocks (Subramoney)

Best ideas and stuff of 2012 (DalalStreet)

10 things you should do everyday to improve your life (Barkingupthewrongtree)

The Hindu hating vermin of Bollywood (Mediacrooks)

Peak Gundlach?  (ResearchPuzzle)

Why denial is bad business (Rodinhood)


Linkfest:Jan 1, 2013

Wish all the readers a very Happy New Year.Some interesting links to start the New Year with:

Europe’s crisis of values:George Soros (Mint)

There’s justification for a rate cut now: Deepak Parekh (ET)

What is ailing the radio industry? (BS)

Strawberry Fields forever:Bill Gross (Pimco)

The success indicator (PragCapitalism)

Exactly 11 years ago, I destroyed myself (IBankCoin)

Equity salesmen’s talk (Subramoney)

10 new must read investing blogs (MarketWatch)

Death and taxes at yearend (AswathDamodaran)

A Christmas present from China Development Bank to arb funds (Bronte)


Linkfest:31 Dec, 2012

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Firms gear up to start new banks (Mint)

How to avoid overspending in the festive season (FE)

Low profile act by Rahul Gandhi raises questions (ET)

Newsmaker:Dilip Pendse (BS)

Keep your money idle (Subramoney)

Delhi’s broken windows (Mediacrooks)

One trader’s process in six steps (DerekHernquist)

Don’t buy what you don’t understand (CapitalMind)

Best place to invest in 2013 (OneMint)

Ritholtz’s dozen rules for investors (BigPicture)


Weekend Mega Linkfest:29 Dec, 2012

Some interesting off beat reads for the weekend :

Who’ll wear the shorts? (Outlook)

Orphans of the great Republic (Open)

Fallout of Sahara’s defiance (MoneyLife)

Madhu Trehan interviews William Dalrymple (NewsLaundry)

The rapes will go on (Tehelka)

Some thought provoking links on the Delhi rape case (JaiArjun)

The last superstar (BharadwajRangan)

How to handle a power window failure (TeamBHP)

Managing wealth the modest way (DhirendraKumar)

Forgotten benefactor of humanity (Atlantic)

Will Mukesh Ambani disrupt the telecom market again? (ForbesIndia)

Why Microsoft maybe a classic Value Trap (BusinessWeek)

Book Review:Through Eastern eyes (Caravan)

Movie Review: Django Unchained (NewYorker)

The never ending war (Economist)

The sharp, sudden decline of America’s middle class (RollingStone)

Interview with a Ginza hostess (Rumpus)

Spoof:Abhijit Mukherjee screams at a portrait of MonaLisa (UnrealTimes)

Love, Dad (LettersofNote)

Bollywood gossip of the week (RajeevMasand)


Linkfest:Dec 28, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Five challenges for Cyrus Mistry (Mint)

As tax free bonds flop, PSU’s turn to private placements (FE)

Manmohan Shetty’s 1,650 Crore bet (BS)

Following the cash trail (ValueResearch)

Curating your financial life (AbnormalReturns)

What does January mean to you? (AllStarCharts)

2012 was good for stocks , bad for stock pundits (WSJ)

Is US economic growth over? (RobertGordon)

7 Retirement planning mythis debunked (Yahoo)

Top 10 YouTube videos of 2012 (USAToday)