
Linkfest:Dec 27, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Local investors sell stocks worth 55000 Crores (Mint)

How MindTree sorted out its problems (ET)

Indian origin hedge fund manager indicted in insider trading (FE)

Bitter season awaits UP’s sugar mills (BS)

New Business for insurers continues decline in 2012 (CapitalMind)

My son will take care of me in my old age (Subramoney)

Columbia’s Business School Dean’s rate is 1200 $ per hour (RollingStone)

The score today:Apple 280, Microsoft 38 (JeffMatthews)

Don’t mistake investing folklore for personalized advice (NYTimes)

The 100 best lists of all time (NewYorker)


Linkfest:Dec 26, 2012

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Former IT stars try to restore past glimmer (Mint)

Hopes build up for a rebound in the real estate sector (ET)

It may be time to write off real estate stocks permanently (DhirendraKumar)

Flat in Society:Nomination (Subramoney)

IIFCL tax free bonds (OneMint)

The entitlement cliff (BillBonner)

Garbage time (TRB)

Jack Bogle’s chart of the year (BusinessInsider)

Ensuring liquidity in the portfolio (CIEL)

End of world predictions is for suckers only (BigPicture)


Linkfest:Dec 25, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Gold still a good bet for investors (ET)

IRDA set to revamp life cover rules (Mint)

The truth about wealth (FE)

Only excise cut,removal of fuel price anomaly can boost car sales (Firstpost)

Greeks can’t find Euros to buy heating oil (Bloomberg)

What the MOIL IPO teaches us about IPO investing (OneMint)

7 lessons from building a lifestyle business (Mindvalleyinsights)

Smart money has many forms (Ivanhoff)

When active beats passive (RickFerri)

Enter the financial blogosphere (TRB)


Linkfest:24 Dec, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

New bank licenses:Waiting for Godot (Mint)

Ajanta Pharma and MPS Ltd (DalalStreet)

Buy property of 1.2 Crores, get permanent residence in Spain (ET)

TCS provided wings to Tata’s dreams (BS)

SEBI (Investment Advisors) Regulations, 2012-A Review (CIEL)

A time for reflection (AdamGrimes)

The new web is nasty (TRB)

Nassib Taleb has got bad news (Dealbreaker)

Creating value from deals (AswathDamodaran)

Experience,Education and Risky Choice (PsyFi)


Weekend Mega Linkfest:Dec 21, 2012

Posted this earlier than usual as I will be traveling during the weekend.

What does it feel to like suddenly lose all your wealth? (Quora)

The Cult of NaMo (Open)

Indian Sports is beaten by politics (Tehelka)

Importance of being BSY(Outlook)

Why English language broadcasting is a  losing game (Caravan)

My God Versus Your God (Newslaundry)

1971:Making Bangaldesh a reality (IDR)

For some cities like Mumbai, doomsday is real (NYMag)

The most unforgettable ad campaigns of 2012 (Forbes)

The Apocalypse hits China (NewYorker)

The 10 best movies of 2012 (Slate)

So much for the buttonwood tree (Economist)

The scientific reason why reindeer have red noses (Smithsonian)

Spoof:Arvind Kejriwal exposes role of Vaseline, Boroplus (UnrealTimes)

The story of a suicide (NewYorker)

Bihar Travelogue:Sonepur Mela and Valmiki National Park (TeamBHP)

Farewell to inflation targeting (ProjectSyndicate)

On Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s Anuradha (JaiArjun)

Jerry Seinfeld intends to die standing up (NYTimes)

The doctor,the CIA and the blood of Osama Bin Laden (GQ)