Some off beat reads for the weekend:
Justice Denied.Are Indian women born to lose? (Bloomberg)
Why the pundits got Kejriwal wrong (Open)
Narendra Modi:Savior or Destroyer? (Economist)
The car crash that never was (Newslaundry)
Man of Steel (BharadwajRangan)
The Philanthropists who built Mumbai (Forbes)
Insisting Jesus was white is bad history (Atlantic)
Being nice isn’t really so awful (MalcolmGladwell)
Yes, you can see Chinese smog from space (BusinessWeek)
A book about Sahir Ludhianvi (JaiArjun)
I spent a month living in a Romanian sexcam studio (Vice)
In Pictures:Sagarika Ghose doing things (UnrealTimes)
Travelogue:New Zealand End-to-End (TeamBHP)
Putin the Peronist (ProjectSyndicate)