
Portfolio of Dolly Khanna

This post is in continuation of my coat tailing series (see here)

While interacting with readers for my Investor Wisdom Newsletter, one reader expressed the desire to know the significant shareholdings of Dolly Khanna.

Now Dolly Khanna is a well known investor in value investing circles and is known for her shrewd picks.

Her portfolio as on 31st March,2013 is given below:

Symbol # of Shares %
PAPERPROD 896637 1.43
HAWKINS 122816 2.32
HERITGFOOD 203828 1.76
RSSOFTWARE 282370 2.33
SELAN 277469 1.65
ABCIL 343903 1.47
CERA 145833 1.15
RELAXO 120342 1
NUCLEUS 328841 1.02

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