
Linkfest:Sept 18,2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Indian markets are far more volatile than others (Mint)

NSEL fudged records for two years (FE)

The Butcher of Mirpur is sentenced to death (National)

Why Arun Jaitley is the dark horse for 2014 (Sify)

Financial crisie through the eyes of Millenial Generation (LinkedIn)

Seth Klarman will return money to investors (BI)

I went to cash because (TRB)

Nearly half of US jobs are vunerable to computerization (MIT)

John Dowling on the art of value investing (BeyondProxy)

The Secret Financial Market only robots can see (Quartz)


Linkfest:Sept 17,2013

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Ranbaxy sinks 30% (BL)

McDonald’s ousted MD Bakshi caught in a loan default mess (ET)

Blame spreads over NSEL’s failures (Mint)

Real Estate Inventories close to record high (BS)

Flight to Premium (ET)

Decoding Narendra Modi (WSJ)

Larry Summers was a lousy choice anyways (DailyReckoning)

Greatest Resignation Letter Ever (BigPicture)

25 Market Insights from Jesse Livermore (StockTwits)

NBFCs – The case of the unknown unknowables (NeerajMarathe)


Linkfest:Sept 16,2013

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Blueprint to build 24 cities (ET)

How the stock market views Narendra Modi (Mint)

These 5 Indian E-Com players can’t stop growing (BI)

Keki Mistry:I don’t think there is a real estate bubble (BS)

Analysts split on India’s economic recovery (WSJ)

Any takers for MTNL? (Gaurav)

Why benchmarking your portfolio is a losing bet (StockMarketLive)

When half right forecasts are deadly (TRB)

Dick Fuld and the agony of defeat (NihonCassandra)

The complete guide to making money in your spare time (Lifehacker)

Detecting accounting fraud in Asia (BeyondProxy)


Linkfest:Sept 13,2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

How Kailash Aggarwal looted money from NSEL (BS)

What determines capital flows to emerging markets (Mint)

Cash-rich Castrol to reward investors (ET)

Mallya hopes for out of court settlements (BL)

The Modi juggernaut (Sandeep)

The party is getting quieter (Moneybeat)

Where is Dick Fuld now? (BusinessWeek)

Buffett’s investment advice is a portfolio killer (Marketwatch)

How investment advisers should use social media (II)

Avoid these 5 mistakes of a bad handshake (Lifehacker)


Linkfest:Sept 12, 2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

India runs risk of sovereign debt crisis (ET)

Investors move out of gold ETFs, move into FMPs (MInt)

Why illiquid investments are better for retirees (BL)

Are your valuables really safe in a bank locker? (Firstpost)

People make same investment decisions like monkeys (Quartz)

Behavioral Risk and Rebalancing (CapitalSpectator)

Putin writes in the NYTimes-A plea from Russia (NYTimes)

7 Reasons why trading smaller is better (NewTrader)

Facebook shares hit all time high (WSJ)

Delhi Rape:How India’s other half lives (Guardian)