
Infographic:Worst places to drive

The Worst Places To Drive
© TraderQuote


Linkfest:Feb 21, 2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

How Air Asia stuck a deal with the Tatas (Mint)

Are Khullar’s warnings coming true? (BusinessLine)

MNC food giants eye a fast buck at Indian weddings (ET)

Bangalore firm on MIT’s 2013 list of most innovative companies (BS)

MCX does a BSE to boost traded turnover (Moneycontrol)

Tax free bonds open for subscription in 2013 (OneMint)

Debts and bills that we pay…and that we do not(Subramoney)

Another note on the purchase of Heinz (AlephBlog)

India’s growth problems in detail (BonddadBlog)

How to get a hedge fund job (WorldBeta)

US CEO writes an undiplomatic letter to France’s industries minister (Dealbreaker)


Man !!


Remembering JRD Tata

As news of the joint venture between Air Asia and Tata Sons broke out, I was reminded of the great JRD Tata

JRD Tata is one of my heroes and I admire him a lot.

As most people know, he set up Air India and is considered the father of Indian aviation.

The very humane nature of JRD is highlighted by this incident:

One such happened years back during his visit to the Lockheed aircraft factory in the US. Feeling thirsty, JRD saw two water dispensers at the factory — one for blacks and the other for whites! JRD went straight to the one for blacks. The officials of the factory tried to lead him to whites’ side. But he declined and drank water from the black’s side, stating that he too was a non-white! This act reportedly prompted the authorities of Lockheed to discontinue the practice of providing separate water facilities for blacks and whites in their premises.


AC/DC: Hells Bells

Am blown away by this live performance