
Linkfest:Sept 06,2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Why some foreign investors are buying India (ET)

Jharkhand scam accused stakeholder in NSEL firm (Mint)

Reliance may be denied price hike for D1 and D3 gas (BS)

Transcript of RBI Governor’s press conference (RBI)

Why the taxman may send you a demand notice (OneMint)

Home-Buying:Why 20:80 scheme is unsafe (BasuNivesh)

Buffett called the End of the Baby busy (Moneybeat)

Research:212 years of backtesting momentum (SSRN)

Microsoft’s turnaround became 30% more difficult (InstitutionalInvestor)

Hunting Season-Phase 2 (Mediacrooks)



Linkfest:Sept 05,2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Vinod Khosla:India is the best destination for investors (ET)

Statement by Raghram Rajan on taking office (RBI)

The message Raghuram Rajan delivered (Mint)

Rajan brings global stature to RBI (Bloomberg)

This is not your father’s emerging market crisis (Financialist)

Emerging Asia rout start of a multi year bear market? (MoneyControl)

The limits of fundamental analysis (CrossingWallStreet)

The goodfellas of Wall Street (DailyReckoning)

The overhyped rise of stay-at-home dads (Atlantic)

The Tech trade of the decade (DailyReckoning)

Common Sense Investment Management Founder busted (Dealbreaker)



Linkfest:Sept 04,2013

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Sensex dives 651 points on panic selling (Moneycontrol)

One cheers and two boos for Subbarao as he bows out (Firstpost)

Lanco group sacks 4000 employees (FE)

Microsoft and Nokia:When dinosaurs mate (Mint)

So you want to buy  a house? (Subramoney)

Lumpens in the media (Mediacrooks)

India through western eyes (SandeepWeb)

Research:Predicting financial markets using Google Trends (SSRN)

Chart of the day:Microsoft edition (Felix)

Don’t cry for the little guy on Wall Street (Felix)

Should you read analyst’s views? (Prashant)



Linkfest:Sept 03,2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

IRCTC Tatkal:Practical tips to beat others in the race (MoneyYoga)

Expert Networks:Thriving in Asia (ET)

The housing market:Pop goes the bubble (Mint)

Businessworld on the block (BS)

Mallya blames all but himself for Kingfisher woes (Moneycontrol)

In search of a honest journalist (SandeepWeb)

With stocks overstated 85%,NSEL in trouble (BL)

20 insights from Peter Lynch (StockTwits)

Emerging market economic policy is hard (WSJ)

15 biases that makes you do dumb things with your money (Fool)

For Investors, no need to duck.Just diversify (NYTimes)


Linkfest:Sept 02,2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Why Sri Lanka is losing sleep over the rupee (ET)

Gold smuggling zooms (BS)

UPA seeks one final push on reforms (Mint)

Charlie Munger’s secret (TRB)

What trade hurts the most people (RPSeaWright)

Do online business models matter (Felix)

Eroding institutions (Mediacrooks)

Egypt crumbling:The biggest event of the 21st century so far (DailyReckoning)

5 lessons my father taught me about money (Monevator)

Significance of 90% down days (TRB)