Source: FE
Rank | Company | Market Cap (In Crores) |
1 | TCS | 4,74,479.05 |
2 | Reliance | 3,56,173.98 |
3 | HDFC Bank | 3,28,132.19 |
4 | ITC | 2,93,523.65 |
5 | Infosys | 2,39,984.78 |
Source: FE
Rank | Company | Market Cap (In Crores) |
1 | TCS | 4,74,479.05 |
2 | Reliance | 3,56,173.98 |
3 | HDFC Bank | 3,28,132.19 |
4 | ITC | 2,93,523.65 |
5 | Infosys | 2,39,984.78 |
3 Large Caps where promoter holding has significantly increased in the last quarter:
Company Name | Symbol | Promoter Holding on 31 Dec,2015 (In %) | Promoter Holding on 31 March,2016 (In %) |
Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited | KANSAINER | 69.27 | 73.12 |
Adani Power Ltd | ADANIPOWER | 58.13 | 63.13 |
Godrej Properties Ltd | GODREJPROP | 72.85 | 74.95 |
Given below are 5 companies where promoter stake has increased significantly in this quarter:
Company | Symbol | Promoter Stake As on 30 June,2015 (In # of Shares) | Promoter Stake As on 30 June,2015 (In %) | Promoter Stake As on 31 March,2015 (In # of Shares) | Promoter Stake As on 31 March,2015 (In %) | Increase in Value (Crores) |
GULF OIL CORPORATION LIMITED | GULFCORP | 32193167 | 64.94 | 29718167 | 59.95 | 39.60 |
Gujarat Sidhee Cement Limited | GSCLCEMENT | 42038963 | 63.55 | 18238963 | 43.06 | 67.47 |
SREI INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE LIMITED | SREINFRA | 2.95E+08 | 58.72 | 2.7E+08 | 53.75 | 100.00 |
GULF OIL LUBRICANTS INDIA LIMITED | GULFOILLUB | 32193167 | 64.94 | 29718167 | 59.95 | 119.05 |
Vaibhav Global Limited | VAIBHAVGBL | 18276983 | 56.4 | 15278383 | 47.15 | 119.94 |
5 Large Companies selling less than Rs.10 is given below:
Symbol | Close on 24 Dec,2014 |
3IINFOTECH | 8.2 |
GVKPIL | 9 |
INDBANK | 9.1 |
ALOKTEXT | 9.95 |
This post is in continuation of my coat tailing series (see here)
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Symbol | Entity | # of Shares on 30 June,2014 | # of Shares on 31 March,2014 | Shares sold | Value of Shares Sold(Crores) |
ICICIBANK | LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA | 95969997 | 1.01E+08 | 4952569 | 718.6178 |
HDFCBANK | Life Insurance Corporation of India | 1.13E+08 | 1.19E+08 | 5518321 | 457.7723 |
TATAMOTORS | LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA | 1.02E+08 | 1.08E+08 | 5614945 | 254.8343 |
RELIANCE | Life Insurance Corporation of India | 2.61E+08 | 2.64E+08 | 2284905 | 229.77 |