
Book Review:Blindspot

This post is in continuation of my book review series (see here)

Blindspot” by Banaji/Greenwald is a book that covers the hidden biases of people.

All of us who drive cars know that every car has a blindspot-we just can’t see things that are in the car’s blindspot.

In a similar fashion,as humans, our biases ensure that we can’t see things that are plainly obvious to others.

This has quite a few implications and analogies in the investing world.

For instance, one chapter in the book is “The hidden costs of stereotypes” i.e. how our brains are misled by stereotypes.For example,in the Indian context, one would assume that a multinational would handle its tax affairs with integrity and probity.And yet, some of the biggest tax cases are against these august names (Cadbury,Nokia etc)

This book was the outcome of research conducted at Harvard and other Universities.As such, it has a slight textbook feel to it.

Would recommend this book to readers who have an interest in behavioral psychology.


Weekend Mega Linkfest:March 08, 2013

Some off beat reads for the weekend:

Meet the most indebted man in the world (Atlantic)

Naveen Jindal’s struggles with profits and power (Caravan)

The What-If man of tomorrow (Outlook)

Parag Parikh’s big mutual fund bet (ForbesIndia)

Uttar Pradesh:The downward spiral (Tehelka)

A setback to Islamic extremism in Bangladesh (IDR)

Narendra Modi: A man in a hurry (Open)

The startups that will change our lives (Forbes)

Why do we hate successful women?(Slate)

Top 10 Afterlife journeys of notable people (Smithsonian)

India’s growing and neglected Muslim population (Economist)

Africa’s richest man is just getting started (Businessweek)

Facebook’s new stream (NewYorker)

Book Excerpt:Roger Ailes off Camera (VanityFair)

Naak naak ,who’s there? (JaiArjun)

When the Jihad came to Mali (NYBooks)

The Deluge – A new era of fossil fuels (PacificStandard)

Spoof:Inside story of Wharton India Economic Forum controversy (UnrealTimes)

Travelogue:Munnar in February (TeamBHP)

Maha Kumbh Mela:A day in Prayag (Ghumakkar)

Movie Review:I,Me Aur Main (VigilIdiot)

Internet Marketing=Traffic Generation+Conversion Optimisation (Rodinhoods)


Danny De Vito explains Value Investing


5 Stocks where FII holdings have fallen by more than 50%

This post is in continuation of my 5 Stocks series (see here)

The table below lists 5 stocks where FII holdings have fallen by more than 50% between the quarters Sept 2012 and Dec 2012. (source: CapitalMarkets)

Company Name FII % – 31/12/2012 FII % – 30/09/2012 Var(%)
Heritage Foods 0.72 9.34 -92.29
Tree House Edu. 1.56 4.88 -68.03
Netwrk.18 Media 3.94 11.13 -64.6
Alok Inds. 4.13 11.27 -63.35
IFCI 5.04 10.99 -54.14

Investor Presentation:Asian Paints Feb 2013

this post is in continuation of my Investor Presentations series (see here)

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