
Weekend Mega Linkfest: 31 May, 2024

Some off beat reads for the weekend:

Interview with PM Modi (Open)

China-Taiwan tensions escalate (Newsweek)

Why Russia doesn’t want to liberalize (Palladium)

Climate Change & Balochistan (TFT)

Israel’s leadership at crossroads (TOI)

Media coverage of China in British media (KCL)

Crisis in France’s New Caledonia (Arab News)

Islam rises in South Africa (Front Page)

Yemen’s electricity crisis (Cradle)

In praise of the British pub (Spiked)

Nairobi to New York and back (Guardian)

Thread: The story of Vadnagar (Santosh Ojha)

The torture of Lt. Col. Purohit (Op India)

Origins of Islamisation of Hindi Cinema (Dharma Dispatch)

Thread: Madonna Oriflamma (Story Teller)

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