Some off beat reads for the weekend:
Using Nuclear Weapons: This is not a Bluff (Vladimir Putin)
Congress 2022 (M J Akbar)
Who wins from demolishing the EU’s gas lifelines? (RT)
The US blew up the Nordstorm pipelines (Tucker Carlson)
All Unquiet on the Ukrainian Front (American Conservative)
Taliban, Pakistan and the Heroin Networks (SAP)
Iran & the Hijab (Dawn)
Trussonomics is a childish absurdity (Guardian)
The rational case for a British Republic (Spiked)
2 Bombings in 1 Night is common in Sweden (Common Sense)
Rocketland (Verge)
Thread: Dr Ambedkar & Navratri (Dhaval Kulkarni)
A Nepali Dalit Mother’s accounts (Guernica)
Thread: Jan van Eyck, greatest painter of the Renaissance (CT)
Thread: 15 Hard Truths about Psychology & Life (PP)