Wishing all readers a very happy, prosperous and rocking 2020.
Some stuff I am reading today morning :
FM Sitharaman unveils 102 Lakh Crore infrastructure plan ( ET )
Full Report of the task force on National Infrastructure Pipeline ( PIB )
Who are the true owners of Tourism Finance Corporation of India? ( Vaibhav Badjatya)
How Bajaj Finance makes money from interest free EMI loans ( Deepak Shenoy )
MDR waiver to make payment companies unviable ( BS )
How Carlos Ghosh escaped Japan without passport ( Mint )
Presentation on Investing for MBA Students ( Abhishek Basumallick )
Presentation on Investing in Cyclicals ( Jiten Parmar )
India Fixed Income Outlook 2020 ( CFA Society )
What happened in the 2010s ( A VC )