Some off beat reads for the weekend:
The Wolf Hunters of Wall Street (NYTimes)
Can anyone stop Narendra Modi? (Economist)
Man who changed his mind after reading Economist article traced (UnrealTimes)
Many Indian Muslims fear the worst (Dawn)
How Manmohan Singh wrecked his party (Open)
Operation Janmabhoomi (Cobrapost)
The most powerful man in China is about to be purged (Atlantic)
Is high frequency trading insider trading? (BusinessWeek)
Explore Angkor Wat with Google Street View (Smithsonian)
Watching a brain surgeon at work (NewStatesman)
The dead zoo gang (Atavist)
Movie Review:Youngistan (VigilIdiot)
Travelling long distance during elections (TeamBHP)
I was a Hollywood personal assistant (NYMag)
Thanks for being so cool about everything-Putin (Onion)