Some off beat reads for the weekend:
The road to Gurgaon (Caravan)
No takers for the Rahul Gandhi formula (Tehelka)
Why SAC’s Steven Cohen is not in jail (BusinessWeek)
Hezbollah under fire (ForeignAffairs)
Scientists turn algae into crude oil in less than an hour (Smithsonian)
10 countries where people live longest (MarketWatch)
How Netflix reverse engineered Hollywood (Atlantic)
A memory of Farooque Shaikh (JaiArjun)
Spoof:Vijay Mallya approaches Vinod Mehta to endorse Bagpiper (UnrealTimes)
Travelogue:A serene Kasauli Trip (Ghumakkar)
Europe’s Ukrainian Blunder (ProjectSyndicate)
Bashar Al Assad:An intimate profile of a mass murderer (NewRepublic)
Driving from Kolkata to Bhutan in a Pajero (TeamBHP)
Qatar Chronicles (SBNation)
The American who gave his life for Chairman Mao (Atlantic)