
Linkfest:Feb 20,2013

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

Why are airlines keen to offer seats at throwaway prices? (Moneycontrol)

Indian unions call strike (WSJ)

Retail investors mid cap bets backfire (ET)

LIC sells 12600 Crore worth of shares (FE)

The problems of long run data results and medium turn living (Mint)

Brokerage houses shy away from lateral hiring (BS)

Why the HDFC Life ad sucks (Moneylife)

How to know when it is time to leave the party (Marketwatch)

The best stock performers of the last decade won’t be the best for the next  (Ivanhoff)

Michael Dell, who is your daddy? (InstitutionalInvestor)


Linkfest:Feb 19, 2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

9 point financial plan-Indian edition (CapitalMind)

Moodys cautions India on negative credit outlook (Mint)

Small investors stuck as open offers in limbo (BS)

Weak rupee takes shine off India’s gold buying (WSJ)

Sahara Parivar launches ad blitzkrieg (Moneycontrol)

The secret trading strategy from the 1930s (BusinessInsider)

Carl Icahn thinks selling diet shakes is a real good business (Dealbreaker)

Why poor people pay more bribes than rich people (Reuters)

Heinz: Buffett’s kind of deal (Dealbook)

5 Reasons not to buy gold (Barrons)


Linkfest:Feb 18, 2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Realty players upbeat as sales begin to pickup (BusinessLine)

Goa’s economy in a tail spin (ET)

Shipping:Angry seas still (Mint)

Justice for 10000 killed in Gujarat 2002 (Mediacrooks)

Conflict of interest (Subramoney)

PFC India tax free bonds – 2013 (OneMint)

Singapore protests highlights worries about inflation (Bloomberg)

New research on momentum strategies (Empiritage)

Housing as an investment? (Businessweek)

Bernard Baruch’s 10 rules of investing (TRB)


Weekend Mega Linkfest:Feb 15,2013

Some interesting off beat reads for the weekend:

How Arindam Chaudhuri made a fortune off India’s middle classes (Caravan)

Interview of Lt.Gen Shahid Aziz of Pakistan on the Kargil war (Outlook)

An application for the job of the Pope (Open)

Prachanda’s long tussle for power in Nepal (Caravan)

Manmohan Singh’s doodles (Newslaundry)

How Motherson Sumi became a giant auto parts manufacturer (ForbesIndia)

Stock Selection:The most important number (Moneylife)

Andaman & Nicobar Islands:A security challenge (IDR)

How Tom Serres raised 8 Million $ in two weeks (Forbes)

Why beef is becoming more like chicken (Slate)

The return of Muqtada al-Sadr (ForeignAffairs)

50 years ago:The world in 1963 (Atlantic)

The Hollywood portfolio (VanityFair)

Salesmen of the Apocalypse (BusinessWeek)

Massive meteor breaks over Russia (Smithsonian)

The world of master criminals (GreatBong)

The story behind the Pope’s resignation (UnrealTimes)

Michael Jordan has not left the building (ESPN)

Anatomy of a Heroin ring (Chicagoreader)

How did Susan Miller become the go-to astrologer in New York? (Nymag)

Pandora’s inbox (SashiTharoor)


Linkfest:Feb 15, 2013

Some stuff that I am reading today morning:

How realty slowdown is affecting Bollywood (ET)

As incomes rise, so do home loans (Mint)

Warren Buffett’s small cap mainstays (Seekingalpha)

List of best balanced mutual funds (OneMint)

Pay yourself first (Subramoney)

Soros said to make 1 Billion $ since Nov on Yen bet (Bloomberg)

Buffett’s favorite metric soars over 100% (PragmaticCapitalism)

Thriving on the dividend and buyback diet (CNNMoney)

Why HFT is not a problem (Falkenblog)

Out with the dragon, in with the snake (DailyReckoning)