
Breweries get on a high in the first week of June 2013

This post is in continuation of my 5 Stocks Series (see here)

Brewery Stocks did well in the first week of June 2013 as can be seen from the table below:

Symbol Close on 28 June 2013 Close on 5 July 2013 Gain
RADICO 98.45 96.8 -1.68%
IFBAGRO 142.85 143 0.11%
RKDL 8.1 8.2 1.23%
TI 47.9 50.3 5.01%
GLOBUSSPR 86.15 93.5 8.53%
GMBREW 58.25 64.3 10.39%
MCDOWELL-N 2167.8 2533.35 16.86%
UBL 724.4 856.35 18.22%
UBHOLDINGS 22.6 27.5 21.68%