
Linkfest:June 04, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Gold surges to Rs.30000 (FirstPost)

RBI:India GDP growth could slow further (WSJ)

Europe has three months to save Euro:Soros (ET)

Euro Zone nears moment of truth (NYTimes)

Europe mulls major steps towards fiscal union (Reuters)

US S&P 500 break their 200 Day average (TRB)

Bollywood gossip of the week (RajeevMasand)

Sellside Research

Crisil says to buy PFC

This report is for informational purposes only.Not a recommendation to buy or sell


IMF’s Lagarde says world economy highly unstable


What was that again?

Bond investors therefore should favor quality and “clean dirty shirt” sovereigns (U.S., Mexico and Brazil), for example, as well as emphasize intermediate maturities that gradually shorten over the next few years. Equity investors should likewise favor stable cash flow global companies and ones exposed to high growth markets. Investors in general, however, will be hard pressed to repeat the rather right-tailed performance of the past 30 years, a whale rather than plankton-dominated era based on excessive credit expansion. Deleveraging economies and financial markets present a different and lower returning kettle of fish than did recent credit-dominated decades.-wrote Bill Gross in his letter to investors

Offbeat Sunday Reads:June 03,2012

Some interesting off beat Sunday Reads:

Letter from Liberia:The Devil they know (NewYorker)

Even artichokes have doubts (YaleDaily)

Out for blood-how we try and fail to kill the mosquito (NYMag)

The true story of how petrol pumps in India operate (TeamBHP)

Jagan Reddy admits to pissing off Gandhis (UnrealTimes)

Sergey Brin finally lets someone else wear Google Glass (Wired)

Book Review:Rajesh Parameswaran’s I am an Executioner (JaiArjun)