
Linkfest:March 13,2014

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Thirsty for income?Try dividend growth (Bernstein)

How market tops get made (Bloomberg)

For every Indian rupee lent,13 paise go bad (FE)

Why investors are betting big on Indian e-commerce firms (Mint)

Four Infra Stocks stand apart (BS)

Understanding risks (Subramoney)

Real Estate crisis will devastate state finances (FirstBiz)

Twitter is the new CNN (TRB)

There is a Modi Wave (SurjitBhalla)

The notion of Alternative Histories (NassimTaleb)


Cartoon:How to raise funds


The Super Cows making Israel overflowing with milk


Linkfest:March 12,2014

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

A man and his signals (TRB)

Senior HDFC Bank executives sell shares (BS)

So you think you missed the market rally.Again (Mint)

Mutual Funds Vs Maruti Vs Independent Directors (MenakaDoshi)

Hope is not an investing strategy (SafalNiveshak)

8 Things you need to know about financial planning (JagoInvestor)

US Bank Profits:A beautiful piece of fiction (SatyajitDas)

Carl Icahn is a pirate (CNNMoney)

Research:Gold is the best performing asset of the last 3000 years (SSRN)

The Reincarnation of Arvind Kejriwal (MediaCrooks)


How to be a contrarian Fund Manager

In 1999, when his portfolio was composed of everything no one wanted, Walter Schloss was asked how, even if his own convictions were unshaken, he could ensure that his investors stuck with him. Being a true contrarian required just one rule, he said: “Never tell a client what they own.”-from Economist