
Linkfest: July 13, 2016

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Jignesh Shah arrested (Mint)

M&M to raise 5,000 Crores (ET)

Interview with Vetri Subramaniam (Money Control)

Time to ride the Nifty or step aside? (Nooresh)

Wildpackers:Backpackers with 300 Cr Sales (Forbes)

The laws of capitalism are being rewritten (TRB)

Chicken bulls,conviction and factor timing (AR)

The fraud hunting short seller (NYTimes)

How Ajit Jain made Billions for Warren Buffett (Ambest)

Did George Soros create the European refugee crisis? (Zero Hedge)


He’s Back



25x in 11 Years

(Source: Got this as a WhatsApp forward)

Today is 11th year of Yes Bank listing.

Issued at Rs.45/-

Listed at Rs.65.90 in July 2005

Today at Rs.1150

25x in 11 Years



Conventional Investing in an Unconventional World

Bob Maynard is one of the best investors you’ve probably never heard of. He runs the $14 billion pension fund for the state of Idaho,US and his long-term returns are consistently in the top quartile of the institutional fund world.


Linkfest: July 12,2016

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

US S&P 500 at all time high (Bloomberg)

Quess Corp to list today (MoneyControl)

HDFC becomes first issuer of Masala Bonds (FE)

Nirma’s Karsanbhai Patel back in spotlight (Mint)

Interest rates are at inconceivable levels (Larry Summers)

India is a water exporter (Bloomberg)

Rent Vs Buy (Mr.Money Mustache)

How millionaires under 40 manage their money (WP)

How to live like top 1# without being rich (FS)

How markets behave at all time highs (Climateer)