
TTK’s Jagannathan: Boom Times Ahead

Source: Chariman’s Speech at the 62nd AGM of TTK Prestige Ltd


RBI : Time is running out for PSU Banks

RBI Deputy Governor, Viral Acharya in his speech on 7 Sept, 2017 made the following comments:

Every few days, I wake up with a sense of restlessness that time is running out; we have created a due process for stressed assets to resolve but there is no concrete plan in place for public sector bank balance-sheets; how will they withstand the losses during resolution and yet have enough capital buffers to intermediate well the huge proportion of economy’s savings that they receive as deposits; can we end the Indian story differently from that of Japan and Europe?


Latest Stanley Druckenmiller Speech

Stanley Druckenmiller is one of my investing heroes and there’s plenty to learn from his speech dated 18 Jan 2015

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Uday Kotak: PSU Banks are cheap

RBI Speeches

RBI’s Rajan:Large borrowers are gaming the system

The reality is that too many large borrowers see the lender, typically a bank, as holding not a senior debt claim that overrides all other claims when the borrower gets into trouble, but a claim junior to his equity claim. In much of the globe, when a large borrower defaults, he is contrite and desperate to show that the lender should continue to trust him with management of the enterprise. In India, too many large borrowers insist on their divine right to stay in control despite their unwillingness to put in new money. The firm and its many workers, as well as past bank loans, are the hostages in this game of chicken — the promoter threatens to run the enterprise into the ground unless the government, banks, and regulators make the concessions that are necessary to keep it alive. And if the enterprise regains health, the promoter retains all the upside, forgetting the help he got from the government or the banks – after all, banks should be happy they got some of their money back!  No wonder government ministers worry about a country where we have many sick companies but no “sick” promoters.-said Raghuram Rajan