
Weekend Reads:April 20, 2012

Interesting Weekend Reads:

Jeremy Grantham’s 1Q 2012 Letter (GMO)

Why is Narendra Modi afraid of the Indian Media? (Open)

Illegal mining in Madhya Pradesh (Tehelka)

How open source drug discovery is helping India (Forbes)

Why is the Rupee such a drama queen (Firstpost)

To be a woman in Pakistan (Atlantic)

Investors find emerging market plays closer to home (SmartMoney)

Feeling peaky about oil (Economist)

Defining property (PaulGraham)



Linkfest: April 19, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today:

Hedge funds in India to face greater scrutiny (Mint)

PMO in a tight spot (FinancialExpress)

SEBI to spend 280 Crores on property acquisitions (Moneylife)

Citigroup’s shareholders reject Vikram Pandit’s pay package (DealBook)

The Climate Change Trade (AllAboutAlpha)

Leading indicators of a market top (MarketWatch)

Last week I saw this man die (MumbaiMirror)


Linkfest:April 18, 2012

Your morning reading:

RBI Watch:Annual Policy (RBI)

SEBI misrepresents information (Sucheta Dalal)

Foreign investors shying away from India (Moneycontrol)

Second Greatest Trade of all time ? (Bloomberg)

The next hedge fund trade:Social Media (Barrons)

The risks of derivatives (DailyReckoning)

The awesomeness manifesto (Havard)



Linkfest: April 16, 2012

Some interesting morning reading:

Infosys results over the last 5 years (CapitalMind)

Indian farmers using cell phones to access power (Bloomberg)

Militants attack Pakistan jail , free 400 inmates (Reuters)

A great read on short selling (Bronte Capital)

Diamonds as a commodity (Nytimes)

HSBC loots actress Suchitra Krishnamoorthy (Moneylife)

Wtf: Fairness creams in India now targeting private body parts (FashionScandal)


Linkfest: April 14, 2012

Wish all the readers a Happy Ugadi:

Some interesting reading for the weekend:

Spain, Italy under pressure (Macrobusiness)

Michael Steinhardt on Fed’s failure (ZeroHedge)

How the arms lobby in India really operate (Tehelka)

Is Facebook making us lonely? (Atlantic)

Does your financial guru resemble a cult ? (Cassandra)

Obama, like Buffett, had a lower tax rate than his secretary (Nytimes)

The Goan theory of relativity (Mint)

Struggles of India’s Ice Hockey Team (Open)

Chasing the Twitter God in India (Outlook)