Alpha Ideas has crossed 10 Million Page Views.
More than anybody else,I am baffled that such a simple blog has got such popularity.
I hope this inspires others to start their own blog and hang in there.
Do keep the tweets,comments and suggestions coming in.
21 replies on “Alpha Ideas crosses 10 Million Page Views”
Please can you publish a list of all the newsletters you subscribe to
There is lot of effort behind the curtain for this simple blog. Keep up the hard work Rao Ji. Hope to see stock analysis going forward.
Sir, i am a daily follower of Alpha ideas and would like to convey that you are doing an excellent job with these blogs and u will see higher numbers soon. Wish u all the best and keep doing the great job.
I have learnt a lot Thanks to your blog. Sites and links I would have never visited, thanks to your linkfest are easily available to me. Thanks for keeping a simple but extremely value adding blog 🙂
You have done a great job !!! your efforts makes like easier for many people, they get a very good start for any work.
Every morning, without fail I see everything which comes from Alpha Ideas. No other Information / analysis source has been able to addict me to this extent.
You are really an inspiration to start such a blog, would you like to tell How much time you spent on Daily maintenance of this blog ???
And How much time you spent on Collecting the Information for this Blog ??, and can this type of blog DIRECTLY generate enough money to just maintain it live.
I use alphaideas for the link fests. Excellent compilations. Thanks for that.
I forgot to add some thing.
Quality is King, which yours is the best, I find only relevant things at alpha ideas, I feel if it continues that way, it can become a very big alternative to all big news sites like ET etc, in theirs News letter I have to search for things (or differentiate between paid ad articles, or old articles) and many of the time I give pass if I m running short of time, but this never happen when anything comes from Alpha Ideas.
Congratulations and all the best !!
Roaoji your blog is very useful and I read all your posts. Keep it up.
Wow!!! Congratulations. Your blog is awesome. It helps cover everything in the morning and I definitely wait for it.
Looks like simple is difficult for people to think. 🙂
I find this blog is very good as you are posting info from many other sources. You might be taking time to gather all these info , where as we are getting all this info with just a click. thanks very much.
Raoji- calling it a simple blog is “over simplifying” it!
Though its simple, its also insightful, empowering and genuinely connects with us. Thanks and keep it up!
Congrats, that’s an amazing achievement that anyone can dream of. Bask in the glory sir, you deserve it.
Raoji, simplicity is the best virtue 🙂 What I really like is your curation style. The articles are not just about stocks, economy, finance but cover a range of interesting topics. I especially like the weekend read. Great stuff!
Congrats 🙂
& thanks for the wonderful blog
Thanks for the many many knowledgeable links.
that means , Good going…. keep it up young man.
Congratulations, thoroughly deserved.
can you write a simple blog post on this “simple” blog.
do you go about maintaining this blog, how do you collect links/sites/blogs, how much time does it take and what inspired you in first place, future plans for the blog.
Congratulations. You deserve for many more 10 billions. One of the best blog I have seen.