5Stocks Banks

RBI’s tightening hammers Private Bank Stocks

On 15th July, 2013, RBI announced measures to tighten liquidity to prop up the rupee.The impact on private bank stocks have been dramatic as can be seen from the table below:

Symbol Close on 15 July, 2013 Close on 19 July, 2013 Loss
YESBANK 500.35 424.6 -15.14%
INDUSINDBK 506.35 445 -12.12%
ICICIBANK 1061.05 959.3 -9.59%
AXISBANK 1308.9 1191.9 -8.94%
KOTAKBANK 757.45 690.85 -8.79%
INGVYSYABK 624.95 575.55 -7.90%
KTKBANK 112.65 104.4 -7.32%
KARURVYSYA 433.45 410.7 -5.25%
DCB 51.95 49.6 -4.52%
FEDERALBNK 398.85 382.2 -4.17%
DHANBANK 33.95 32.95 -2.95%
J&KBANK 1278.45 1247.2 -2.44%
HDFCBANK 695.45 680 -2.22%
CUB 53.65 53.05 -1.12%
LAKSHVILAS 71.9 71.6 -0.42%
SOUTHBANK 23 22.95 -0.22%

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