
Infographic: Behind Coca Cola

This post is in continuation with my Infographics series (see here)


Linkfest:April 01, 2013

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

How politicians destroyed Meru Cabs (ShaswatDC)

JSPL acquires 31.49% in Gujarat NRE Coking Coal (MoneyControl)

Wipro,Siemens to exit Nifty today (ET)

What capital guaranteed products offer (Mint)

Financial plan for 2013-14 (BS)

What Naipaul got right and wrong about India (Bloomberg)

Short term shareholders are not looking out for the long term and vice versa (Dealbreaker)

Jim Rogers is buying gold coins from North Korea (BI)

Say it with me:Correlation is not same as Causation (BigPicture)

3 Decades after the attempted silver corner, Hunt is again a billionaire (Climateer)