Some interesting off beat reads for the weekend:
Left with no choice (Open)
Tuq Tuq Gaadi (Newslaundry)
What fixed income investors should look for (ForbesIndia)
Wealth Creators 2003-12 (Moneylife)
Shia anger against Gen Kayani (IDR)
There is more to life than being happy (Atlantic)
The accidental activist (VanityFair)
Harvard grads are seeking baby sitting jobs (Forbes)
A secret history of women and tattoo (NewYorker)
Revenge of the Kurds (ForeignAffairs)
Can your genes predict when you will die? (Smithsonian)
The euro zone crisis:Time to celebrate ? (Economist)
On the trail of SAC Capital’s Steven Cohen (BusinessWeek)
Notes from a discussion about cinema (JaiArjun)
Internet hoax: The long fake life of J S Dirr (Gawker)
Which way did the Taliban go? (NYTimes)
The “Sir, you have a puncture ” Scam (TeamBHP)
Travelogue: London 2012 (Ghumakkar)
Spoof: How Hina Rabbani handled Pakistan’s crises (UnrealTimes)
Two poems (Caravan)