
Weekend Mega Linkfest:Oct 13, 2012

Some interesting off beat reads for the weekend:

At the altar of Raabert (IndrajitHazra)

Robert Vadra Vs Arvind Kejriwal is also a class war (SagarikaGhose)

Can you take it Tim Sebastian ? (NewsLaundry)

Darth Vadra (GreatBong)

Cipla’s one man army (ForbesIndia)

How Apple sidesteps Billions in taxes (NYTimes)

How not to talk to your kids (NYMag)

The greatest fake art scam in history (VanityFair)

Its not about the bike (NewYorker)

What defines a meme (Smithsonian)

King Ludd is still dead (KennethRogoff)

The swinger’s guide to Islam (GlobalMail)

Travelogue:Skirting Himachal in 7 days in a Fortuner (TeamBHP)

Video: How millionaire athletes end up broke (ESPN)