At last a start : SEBI has been directed to crackdown on PNs whose ownership is opaque. Now next step : Ban PNs and confiscate it
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) November 25, 2014
How online tipsters defraud investors
One of my readers wrote to me about an online tipster which has an interesting business model.
The promoters of this entity have opened half a dozen companies with some alluring names.If you Google “stock tips”, most of the top listed ranking/sponsored ads will belong to this entity
All the group companies advertise aggressively online using phrases such as “99% accuracy in our stock tips”/”Earn 25000-40000 Rs daily” etc.They charge exorbitant amounts for their stock tips which can range from Rs.10000-Rs25000 per month
An innocent investor/trader gets taken in by these ads and subscribes to one of the companies (say Company A).Now, these packages work in such a manner that if the investor is lucky he will hit the price target else he will hit the stop loss.Either ways, Company A has made its money.
After a while, the investor loses his shirt and stops subscribing to company A’s packages.But he still remains a sucker for stock tips.So again he Googles for “advisory” companies and this time joins Company B (which unknown to him is a related group entity of Company A !!).And then the sad story repeats itself !
Now, these tipsters have adopted an interesting business model.They have approached brokers in tier 2/tier 3 cities and have asked them to recommend their advisory services to their clients.The broker’s commission for doing so?A full 25% of the subscription fees !!
I am amazed that SEBI has not stepped in to stop these kind of schemes which are making bogus claims and duping investors.
Jago SEBI Jago !!
I had posted yesterday about the problems faced by senior citizens due to paper shares.
An 80+ investor wrote to Karvy registrar for the issuance of duplicate share certificates for splitted shares.
Here is what Karvy wrote to him:
From: “” <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 12:46 PM
Subject: Splitte Shares
Sno Cert_No Shares Dist_From – Dist_To
1 26038-26039 20 7723695 – 7723714
2 17555-17556 13 12457420 – 12457432
3 31613-31614 11 24505636 – 24505646
4 251323-251327 14 37293605 – 37293618
SEBI FAQs on Qualified Foreign Investors
When the going gets tough…
In our parent’s generation, getting a sarkari (government ) job was the ticket to a comfortable life
This changed post 1991 when the winds of economic liberalization shook India
But now, it looks like those times are back.
All participants in India’s equity markets are facing unusual stress.But our regulator SEBI seems do be doing great.
An article in ET states :In its budget for 2012-13, Sebi has put aside around 281 crore for the acquisition of office and residential premises. This amount includes acquisition of new office premises or plot of land in BKC for additional office space in Mumbai, setting up of five local offices at new locations, purchase of flats for senior executives at Mumbai and also the purchase of office space for a northern regional office at New Delhi.
Bottom line: When the going gets tough, the regulator gets moving !!