Hats off to the scientists involved.It took them 47 years to find the Higgs Bison.
Hats off to the scientists involved.It took them 47 years to find the Higgs Bison.
This report is for informational purposes only.Not a recommendation to buy or sell.
This report is for informational purposes only.Not a recommendation to buy or sell.
Some stuff I am reading today morning:
Air India and the art of pulling defeat from the jaws of victory (Firstpost)
Downturn?What downturn?Ask India’s super rich (WSJ)
RBI Watch:Governor speech in Chennai (RBI)
Globus Spirits-A speculative bet (ValueInvestorIndia)
Top Investment Error:Passive Vs Active Management (BigPicture)
How Feldstein bet against JP Morgan and won (Bloomberg)
Meet the over precise pundits (Psy Fi)
A kickass movie review of Rowdy Rathore (TheVigilIdiot)