
Linkfest:Aug 29,2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

National Pension Scheme & Taxation at maturity (Anand)

Applying behavioral finance to value investing (SafalNiveshak)

In slowing India, a fast growing star (WSJ)

HDFC warrant holders reap a windfall (ET)

Notes from the John Paulson crowd (TRB)

We are all anarchists now (DailyReckoning)

China,dollar,gold and a theory of relativity (FT)


Linkfest:Aug 28, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Wedding bells for gold (Go2CIO)

Chidambaram’s challenge (Openlib)

Property VAT:Aam Admi caught in tussle (FirstPost)

Osama Suzuki’s war crimes moment (WSJ)

China’s lost decadeĀ  (Bespoke)

Why investing is the world’s most difficult profession (Standerfer)

The Mongolia of America (DailyReckoning)


Linkfest:Aug 27, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

My experiences with deep value investing (ValueInvestorIndia)

How have LIC’s ULIP plans performed so far? (AnandKumar)

Why the gold standard is the world’s worst idea (BusinessInsider)

Merkel tries to calm storm over ECB Strategy (Reuters)

Save your money, it won’t work (TRB)

How Warren Buffett is different from most investors (Aleph)

Beta Arbitrage Strategies:When do they work and why (SSRN)


Sunday Reads:Aug 26, 2012

Some interesting off beat Sunday reads:

Travelogue:North East Himalayan Drive (TeamBHP)

Spoof:Leaked ‘Sent’ folders of prominent personalities (UnrealTimes)

Book Review:Freedom is blogging in your underwear (IDreamBooks)

Death takes a policy-How a lawyer made millions from life insurance cos (Prorepublica)

Venus and Serena against the world (NYTimes)

The financial behemoth that is the American Catholic Church (Economist)

Book Review:Nilanjana Roy’s The Wildings (JaiArjun)


Weekend Reads:Aug 25, 2012

Some interesting off beat weekend reads:

The Art Market Slump (Open)

The broken idea of India (Tehelka)

Secrets of healthy living in a hostile world (Moneylife)

Lance Armstrong:And now he is nothing (NewYorker)

Gangnam Style dissected (TheAtlantic).Love the music video (here)

Prince Harry’s hangover (VanityFair)

How Steve Jobs fueled a design revolution (Smithsonian)