
Mark this Date on your Calendar

Charlie and I have finally decided to enter the 21st Century. Our annual meeting this year will be webcast worldwide in its entirety. To view the meeting, simply go to at 9 a.m. Central Daylight Time on Saturday, April 30th. The Yahoo! webcast will begin with a half hour of interviews with managers, directors and shareholders. Then, at 9:30, Charlie and I will commence answering questions-wrote Warren Buffett


What I heard and saw at the Mumbai Investor Meet

On Sunday,1 Feb,2015, I had attended an investor meet conducted by Pattu of Freefincal.Com


The first session was by Pattu by FreeFinCal. He spoke about goal-based inflation, accounting for inflation etc

His presentation can be downloaded from here

The next session was by Uma Shashikant on Direct Equity.According to her:

  • Buying individual stocks and succeeding is a matter of luck
  • Investors can beat the market only if they have a concentrated number of stocks but then they run the risk of losing very badly
  • Instead of investing directly in equity,investors should invest in index funds or diversified mutual funds with a satisfactory record

The next session was on retirement planning by Subra of Subramoney.

According to him:

  • A common myth is expenses go down after retirement.It actually goes up
  • People should save as much as possible for retirement…for a 35 year old,retirement savings per month should equate monthly expenses
  • Retirement planning should consist of Equity/Debt mutual funds
  • Stay away from instruments which have the word “pension” in them
  • Not very keen on real estate in retirement planning

Post lunch,Sharad Singh of TheFundoo.Com took over.According to him:

  • Winning Mutual Funds can be predicted
  • His site has plenty of analytical tools which can help an investor select the right mutual fund

The last session was by Amit Trivedi on Debt Mutual Funds.According to him:

  • Interest rates can’t be predicted.Hence better to be in debt funds which have short maturities
  • Bet on long term gilt funds if you think interest rates are going down
  • Bond Fund Managers have not been able to generate meaningful alpha for their investors.