Category: Events
Alpha Ideas 20-20 Meet: Sold Out
Alpha Ideas 20-20 Meet has received an overwhelming response.
We are now sold out and as such , we are closing the registrations.
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement.
I had blogged earlier about wanting to host a Alpha Ideas 20-20 Meet
I am delighted to say that we got an overwhelming response to the suggestion.
As such I, along with Paresh Shah of Noble Capital, are now hosting a 20-20 Ideas Meet which aims to bring together the best investors in the Indian Equity market.
The Details of the 20-20 Ideas Meet are as follows:
Date: Saturday 28 July,2018
Venue: Taj Santacruz, Mumbai
Time: 8:30 am – 6 pm
Format: 20 Speakers to speak on 20 Minutes each on their best idea.
Indicative List of Speakers (In Alphabetical Order) :
Abhinav Mansinghka – Independent Investor
Amit Jeswani – Stallion Asset
Anshuman Goenka – IDFC
Ashish Chugh – Hidden Gems
Aveek Mitra – Aveksat Financial Advisory
Chetan Phalke – Alpha Invesco
Dhruvesh Sanghvi – Prospero Tree
Gaurav Parikh – Jeena Scriptech
Gautam Nayak – CNK & Associates
Gordon DSouza – IDFC
Kunj Bansal – Acepro Advisors
Manish Jain – Gormal One LLP
Neil Bahal – Negen Capital
Nikhil Vora – Sixth Sense
Niteen S Dharmawat- Aurum Capital
Prabhakar Kudva – Samvitti Capital
Prakash Diwan – Altamount Capital
Rishi Maheshwari – Aksa Capital
Sarvesh Gupta – Maximal Capital
Saurabh Shah -AUM Advisors
Charges : 4,500 (Four Thousand Five Hundred ) Only
Note that a seat once reserved cannot be cancelled.
Meals: Lunch,Tea/Coffee Breaks
This Event is Now Sold Out
20-20 Ideas Summit
We are thinking of hosting a 20-20 Ideas Summit in Mumbai in the third/fourth week of July 2018.It can be either a Saturday or Sunday depending on venue availability
The Summit will have 20 speakers speaking for 20 Minutes (No Q&A) on their best investment ideas.I do hope to line up some great folks to speak for the event.
The Summit will be a full day event consisting of lunch and tea-breaks.The costs will be around 4,000 Rs.
Will go ahead only if we get a decent response.
For those interested,please email me at Alpha Ideas
(Disclosure: I am market making in the shares of Suryoday Bank)
Yesterday, Suryoday Bank organized an event to celebrates it’s one year of banking operations.
Deepak Parekh,Chairman of HDFC was the Chief Guest on the occasion.This is perhaps not so surprising since the HDFC Group is a substantial shareholder in the Bank.
In a scintillating speech,Deepak Parekh mentioned that in his 50 years of working life, he has never been more optimisitic on India than he is now.
He also mentioned that as an One Year old, Suryoday Bank has grown from a baby to a toddler.This is a time for tremendous growth but also love and care.
Looking forward to fun and exciting times with this baby !