
Investor behavior has not changed since 1688 !!

Joseph De La Vega wrote a book on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange in 1688 called Confusion de Confusiones.

Some of the behavioral insights written in his book are still valid hundreds of years later.Sample this investor behavior

Some people are always unhappy. If they have bought and the prices fall,they are unhappy because they bought; if the prices rise, they are unhappy because they did not buy more. If they have sold they are unhappy because they sold for less than they could have; if they did not buy or sell, they are unhappy because they did not do anything; if they receive a tip and they did not follow it, they are also unhappy. Everything produces unhappiness”



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Linkfest:Nov 07, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Hindalco’s rough patch continues (ET)

Obama gets emotional (BusinessLine)

Tata Steel slapped with 1 Billion $ fine (WSJ)

Cash cow goats:SEBI smells foul play (FE)

Naipaul and the secular rot (Mint)

Undue haste in help to Airtel : CBI (BS)

Morgan Stanley:Connecting the dots (CapitalIdeasOnline)

The Diamond industry struggles to keep its luster (NYTimes)

Why Buy and Hold is still gold (WSJ)

On invariant nature of investor ineptitude (PsyFi)


Linkfest:Nov 06, 2012

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

In 15 years, 600 Mn jobs needed to keep up with current employment level (BusinessLine)

What foreigners want from Chattisgarh (WSJ)

Maruti’s workers plan hunger strike (ET)

Deepak Parekh attacks Arvind Kejriwal (FE)

Allahabad Bank’s chief begins cleanup (Mint)

Stock Options gain traction on NSE (BS)

How to choose a debt fund (OneMint)

Cash as Trash, Cash as King (InsideInvesting)

Six Month Switching Strategy (AllETF)

Hope can kill your portfolio (OldSchool)


Diyas, Oil and the Stock Market

Had gone shopping for diyas and oil for Diwali.The high price of oil gave me a minor sticker shock.

A bit of data digging reveals that Solvent Extractors have been the worst performers of the stock market.

Check out the last one years performance (2 Nov 2011-2 Nov 2012):

KSE (-11.29%)

RuchiSoya (-39.27%)

Gokul (-55%)


RajOil (-78.35%)

So just like you can have high realty prices but lousy real estate stock prices, you can have high oil prices but lousy stock prices.