The Book ‘Master Class with Super Investors’ is written by Vishal Mittal & Saurabh Basrar who run an investment firm called Altais Advisors .
Vishal is my friend and junior from IIFT,New Delhi and hence I may be biased in writing this Book Review.
Similiar to Jack Schwager and his legendary Market Wizard series, the authors have interviewed some of the best investors in the country and attempted to find out what made them tick.
The list of investors is found below here :
Each investor explains his investor journey in detail and walks thru his successes and misses.
What I find amazing is the amount of wealth they have been able to build despite humble beginnings.
One thing that struck me was that each investor, to paraphrase Frank Sinatra, “did it my way”
So you have investors who pay lots of attention to meeting managements to those who believe meeting management is waste of time.
Some of the investors are voracious readers-reading 2 books a week !- while some have not read a book in their life !
Some started their journey as stock brokers whereas many others didn’t
I found the anecdotes of the various investors on their big successes -Ramesh Damani on Infosys,CMC etc. Raamdeo Agrawal on Hero Honda, Govind Parikh on South Companies etc super interesting .
The authors do an excellent job on asking the investors their opinions on these often overlooked aspects of investing:
-On position sizing
-On portfolio construction
-On when to increase/decrease a position
-On selling
-On using leverage
-On using technical indicators even for fundamental investing
-On using F&O
-On asset allocation- many also ploughed profits into real estate
While each investor had different experiences and different styles of investing, there was one common feature amongst all of them- they all are super bullish on India and believe the next 30 years will create more wealth than the last 30.
I would strongly recommend this Book for those interested in the Indian Stock Markets.
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