
Portfolio of Prof. Mankekar

This post is in continuation of my coat tailing series (see here).

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Prof. Mankekar is a well known celebrity investor in the Indian Capital Markets.The investments of the Mankekar family are in the name of Prof Mankekar, his wife Laxmi and his son Kedar.

Their significant portfolio holdings as on 31 December,2014 as per stock exchanges is as given below:

Company Symbol Entity Date End # of Shares % Value (In Crores)
Century Textiles & Industries Limited CENTURYTEX Shivanand Shankar Mankekar 201412 2000000 2.15 112.95
Cox & Kings Limited COX&KINGS SHIVANAND SHANKAR MANKEKAR 201412 1996876 1.18 62.65
Financial Technologies (India) Limited FINANTECH Laxmi Shivanad Mankekar 201412 1350000 2.93 27.22
Future Lifestyle Fashions Limited FLFL SHIVANAND SHANKAR MANKEKAR 201412 1951468 1.05 15.61
Future Retail Limited FRL Laxmi Shivanand Mankekar 201412 5830821 2.44 65.98
Future Retail Limited FRL Shivanand Shankar Mankekar 201412 4100000 1.72 46.39
Galaxy Entertainment Corporation 506186 Shivanand Shankar Mankekar 201412 297302 1.9 1.21
HCL Infosystems Limited HCL-INSYS Kedar Shivanand Mankekar 201412 2230000 1 11.06
HCL Infosystems Limited HCL-INSYS Laxmi Shivanand Mankekar 201412 2230000 1 11.06
Jain Irrigation Systems Limited JISLJALEQS Shivanand Shankar Mankekar 201412 8260000 1.86 55.22
Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited LAKSHVILAS KEDAR SHIVANAND MANKEKAR 201412 3780000 2.11 34.3
Multi Commodity Exchange Limited MCX SHIVANAND Shankar MANKEKAR 201412 650000 1.27 55.25
Shasun Pharmaceuticals Limited SHASUNPHAR SHIVANAND SHANKAR MANKEKAR 201412 2758538 4.59 80.3
SKS Microfinance Limited SKSMICRO SHIVANAND SHANKAR MANKEKAR 201412 1300000 1.03 57.49
Strides Arcolab Limited STAR Kedar Shivanand Mankekar 201412 745692 1.25 69.46
Strides Arcolab Limited STAR Laxmi Shivanand Mankekar 201412 1306678 2.19 121.72
Strides Arcolab Limited STAR Shivanand Shankar Mankekar 201412 885277 1.49 82.47
Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited TALWALKARS Laxmi Shivanand Mankekar and Kedar Shivanand Mankekar 201412 1573520 6.01 57.3

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