(Hat Tip: Jagadeeswaran)
“I have never been more excited in my life as I am today on this first day of January 2015 to see the period over the next 10 years. As India really develops into a significant global player, we at Kotak can build our institution to not only become a dominant player in India but that of global quality and size. With this, I wish each of you a happy new year as we build a strong, sustainable and a truly path breaking Kotak for the future.
I am truly proud of the entire team Kotak, having produced a compounded annual rate to its shareholders of 48% p.a. over a 29 year period. And I would once again urge team Kotak which is currently 30,000 people, and hopefully will go to more than 40,000 people post the proposed merger; to think about how we can continue at the scorching pace we have done over the last 29 years continuously. It is a tall order and something I would request each of us to rise to the occasion and ensure that we produce a phenomenal marathon growth rate for the next 10 years ahead of us. I wish each of you and your family a wonderful 2015!”
–Message from Uday Kotak to his employees