I had blogged earlier as how PSU Banks owing equity stakes in companies are a red flag.
But it appears that there are some wonderful(!) companies out there which have the TaxMan as a significant shareholder !
Symbol | Entity | # of Shares | % | Date End |
JVLAGRO | Tax Recovery Officer 6 Kanpur | 1700000 | 1.01 | 201406 |
MAGNUM LTD | Tax Recovery Officer Range 9 Ahmedabad | 71900 | 1.13 | 201406 |
Many Thanks to Vishal for pointing out Magnum Ltd
3 replies on “Having the TaxMan as your fellow shareholder”
the taxmen dont buy shares. they are just attached in some cases where a person did not pay tax dues ( allegedly, in some cases :P)
True..its a good warning flag for shareholders
here is one more:-
Symbol Entity # of Shares % Date End
Magnum Fincap Tax Recovery Officer Range 9 Ahmedabad 71,900 1.13 201406