
Islamic Cruelty & Hindu Meanness

The Hindus criticise the Mohammedans for having spread their religion by the use of the sword. They also ridicule Christianity on the score of the inquisition. But really speaking who is better and more worthy of our respect—the Mohammedans and Christians who attempted to thrust down the throats of unwilling persons what they regarded as necessary for their salvation or the Hindu who would not spread the light, who would endeavour to keep others in darkness, who would not consent to share his intellectual and social inheritance with those who are ready and willing to make it a part of their own make-up ? I have no hesitation in saying that if the Mohammedan has been cruel the Hindu has been mean and meanness is worse than cruelty.-said Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar

2 replies on “Islamic Cruelty & Hindu Meanness”

There is meanness among the Muslims and Christians too. There is caste hierarchy among them too. Besides there is a fight between Christians and Muslims too.

Dr.B R Ambedkar, is a nasty fellow who tried to create a rift among the Hindus and hated the Brahmin community. But he never failed to marry a Brahmin woman.

He gave a wrong interpretation of the Vedas and called them “Meaningless Verses”. I do not know why his fertile brain could not understand some of best Upanishads.

He did nothing in life except divisive caste based politics. And after independence, his formula is exploiting the upper caste Hindus.

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