In fact, in my entire career, I have not seen retail participation being so badly reduced in terms of their equity exposure and their sentiment. I think they have been completely washed out.-Nirmal Jain,Promoter of IIFL said in an interview
4 replies on “What was that again?”
Loss of retail participation has one more important reason too. The cause for that are the brokers. Brokers have never thought about their clients being happy, the trading ideas these people gave their clients were only for personal benefit. More concerned about brokerage than customer making money. Hence, it is natural small time players are washed out. It cannot be a one way trip always.
Nirmal jain like broker also responsible for this
Churning for brokrage
Nirmal jain was merchant banker to Moneymatter fin. in 2010
apni commsion deko invertor jaye bhaar me
These people has no moral rights to comment on investors plight