Sales of adult diapers in Japan exceeded that of children’s diapers for the first time last year.-TokyoTimes
Author: Raoji
The rise of Bajaj
In an earlier post, I had mentioned how stocks belong to the same promoter exhibit sector characteristics.
Now the Bajaj pack seems to be on a roll, very close to their 52 week highs
Symbol | Latest Close | 52 Week Highs |
BAJAJ-AUTO | 1614.35 | 1811.6 |
BAJAJCORP | 120.3 | 130.25 |
BAJAJELEC | 218.5 | 266 |
BAJAJFINSV | 709.4 | 748.55 |
BAJAJHLDNG | 807.85 | 849.95 |
BAJFINANCE | 850.3 | 893.8 |
Buffett & Gates on Tech Investing
What was that again?
“There is just no money to be made in the market.Its like squeezing blood from a stone.”- broker Ramesh Damani said in an interview
Linkfest:May 17,2012
Some stuff I am reading today morning:
CBI raids JSW Steel (BusinessLine)
Citi see Rupee @ 60 per $ !! (MoneyControl)
Bangalore startup promises unbiased news (Nytimes)
Speciality Restaurants IPO-Avoid (Mint) & (FirstChoiceIPO)
SEBI Watch:Consent Order against Educomp Solutions (SEBI)
Will Sterling Biotech default on FCCBs today ? (CapitalMind)
How Bruno Iskil lost 2 Billion $ (Felix)
Dad fights for justice against Delhi’s Max Hospital (SuchetaDalal)