
Gold is heading for $1100


Linkfest:October 07,2014

Some stuff I am reading today morning:

Despite IPO boom,no party for investment bankers (BL)

Cost of power generation likely to increase by 30% (ET)

NSEL investors want ED to attach all assets of FTIL (FE)

AIA Engineering-The choice of ace stock pickers (RJ)

We are all charlatans (PragCap)

Gross shows risk of star culture (Reuters)

Indians are buying homes in the US (NYTimes)

Paul Graham:Bad startup founders are like old people (VBounded)

Triple your money with pre-IPO investing (DailyReckoning)

How do you know if your fund manager has ‘lost it’ ? (MarketWatch)


Chart:The Asset Bubble Cycle


Difference between money and wealth

Singer Rihanna earns tens of millions of dollars, but found herself “effectively bankrupt” in 2009. She sued her financial adviser for not doing his job. He offered a legendary response: “Was it really necessary to tell her that if you spend money on things you will end up with the things and not the money?”

The first iron rule of money is that wealth is the stuff you don’t see. It’s the cars not purchased, the clothes not bought, the jewelry forgone. Money buys things, but wealth — assets such as cash, stocks, bonds, in the bank, unspent — buys freedom and security. Pick which one you want wisely.-from Fool


Losing weight and losing money