
A Lament for Mr. Limaye

NSE unveiled it’s new logo today on the occasion of it’s completing 25 years.

One other thing which seems unchanged since the last 25 years is the NSE website !

It has become extremely frustrating to use the website as this tweet indicates:

Nowadays people check corporate announcements etc on their mobile phone.As such, it becomes v painful to go to the NSE website, download a Zip file , unzip it and then read the contents.

It’s much easier and faster to use the BSE website where corporate announcements etc are available in the PDF format.

Another rant is for their shareholding pattern section. NSE seems oblivious to how data is stored and managed on their web site.

Take these couple of instances.

I had blogged a few days back about Infibeam not filing it’s shareholding patterns on time.It apparently had filed it but NSE failed to display in chronological order as alert reader Purvesh Parekh pointed it out.

Now take the shareholding patterns of blue chip companies like ITC and M&M.

In both cases, the shareholding patterns of March 2018 is missing.

For ITC:




For M&M

These are of course a few examples which illustrate the utter shoddiness of the website.

Another shocking example is the SME section of the website.

Here one has to be a Sherlock Holmes to determine the corporate announcements and shareholding patterns of the company.

See an example of a SME company for illustration:

Unlike the main board companies, it is not possible to view the corporate announcements, corporate actions, shareholding patterns etc when you check the quote.

In order to do so, you have to go to the generic SME page and wade through useless data to get to the Company you want to check.

Mr. Limaye, Investors don’t care about your NSE rebranding….they care about getting information quickly,completely and timely.

Spend some money on that , please.